Thursday, March 5, 2009


Socialism at work - again! Another attempt by government to get control of the food supply…How will this legislation affect the people on the street? The price of all beef, chicken, lamb, etc, will plummet when the market floods with unwanted animals that are being dumped, then it will skyrocket because food will be provided only by the big Ag producers.

Cloaked in a shroud of ‘food safety’, this bill which was passed in the House in less than 24 hours will destroy the American farmer immediately, especially in times of serious economic distress. The reams of paperwork and associated costs will put them out of business!

I urge you to contact your state senators immediately and say NO to HR 1105! I have included a sample letter which you can copy and paste to notify them. THIS IS URGENT - PLEASE DON’T SLEEP THROUGH THIS!

This link will take you to a site that has a letter already penned:

Senator contacts:

Sample letter: You can cut and paste!!!

Dear Senator ________

I am writing in urgency today as I just found out that H.R. 1105 is now in
the Senate and waiting to get passed. It has already cleared the House in less than 24 hours!

H.R. 1105 is about making a mandatory National Animal Identification System(NAIS). I already know that the NAIS equivalent in the EU has reduced private farms/livestock ownership by over 60%. I know people who have moved to the United States from the EU to get away from the devastation NAIS/DARD/APHIS has caused over there. NAIS is designed to eliminate private animal ownership and industrialize the global food supply. They will tell you it is going to stop disease, but it doesn't. Its only function is to eliminate the private animal owners from the food supply, thus industrializing agriculture and the entire global food supply. This happens as a direct result of all the required NAIS expenses, required paperwork, loss of property rights and privacy, and outrageous non-compliance fines. People from the EU described to me that they ended up having to do about 2 hours worth of paperwork each night in addition to working all day long, just to keep up with the NAIS/DARD/APHIS requirements.

All I can ask...beg of you, is to work diligently against NAIS and H.R. 1105, as it will completely wipe out the American farmers. All that will be left is the big disgusting Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations(CAF Os) that feed tons of antibiotics, hormones, and chemicals just to keep the million+ animals alive in those "cess pool farms". That is the face of Industrialized Agriculture-CAFOs. NAIS will lead to nothing but CAFOs for our food supply.

Wiping out America's healthy food growers at a time when the nation is already about to buckle under economic distress, will only put the final nails in our coffins and this country will look like a 3rd world country in no time at all.

NAIS is worse than any disease it hypes about preventing. NAIS is what farmers have to worry about in destroying all their animals, not any diseases. NAIS itself will be the most deadly thing in America's farms, if it gets passed.This, I know for a fact from my relationships with people who have come here from the EU reporting on what really happens 11 years into the UN's NAIS/DARD/APHIS program.

Please vote against H.R. 1105 today, and let me know that you did with an email.

Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I never thought this would pass. It just seemed far too outrageous, and I honestly thought we were winning this fight. I wrote my senator immediately.

    (AKA FoodRenegade)
